Congressman-elect Steve Kagen talked about challenges at home and abroad in an interview with Wisconsin Radio Network. The Appleton physician who'll represent northeastern Wisconsin in D.C. says health care reform remains a primary goal, including reform of Medicare Part-D. "We want to close the donut hole, we want to be able to renegotiate for lower drug prices from pharmaceutical manufacturers and allow reimportation of our own products from Canada and elsewhere," Kagen said.

And on the war in Iraq, Kagen says he agrees with the conclusions of the Iraq Study Commission Report. "We're on the wrong path. We have no plan," the Democrat said. "President Bush got us into this war. President Bush should come up with a plan and a strategy to extract ourselves from this civil war between the Sunni and Shiite peoples." Kagen said the next Congress will be asked to spend $130 billion Iraq, and he wants to know what we're getting for our money. Kagen said that while he supports the troops, he does not support current U.S. policy.

Kagen interview (:56 MP3)

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