What do business leaders dislike in the governor's budget proposal? State Senator Dan Kapanke of La Crosse says those in his district are concerned about the oil company franchise fee, and Kapanke hopes the opposition leads to elimination of the tax.

"I hope that there is enough pressure, grass roots pressure, not from lobbyists, not necessarily even from business owners, but from employees," said Kapanke following Thursday's round table discussion with Wisconsin Taxpayer Alliance President Todd Berry and a panel of business leaders.

Thursday's forum, included a representative of Quick Trip, one of Wisconsin's largest gasoline retailers, but Kapanke says the concerns go well beyond retail. "What about Murphy Oil? We have a refinery here in Wisconsin, how is that going to effect them and their job numbers up there (in Superior)?"

Kapanke says businesses fear the ripple effect of the franchise fee on jobs and the economy, as oil companies pass the cost of the fee on to the price consumers and businesses pay at the pump. "There's a lot of ramifications, there always is on every move that we make in Madison," he said. "I think we need to make moves that make it easier to do business in Wisconsin, and not more difficult."

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:55 MP3)

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