Teens who drink with their parents in taverns could soon find themselves cut off.Current state law allows minors to drink in public, if they’re with a parent or guardian. State Senator Judy Robson (D-Beloit) says the practice sets a bad example that could also harm the development of those children by encouraging chronic alcohol abuse problems.
Robson is sponsoring a bill that would keep kids from drinking in businesses until they’re at least 18. She says bartenders have the right to refuse to serve minors, but having the provision in state law sends a confusing and wrong message.
The proposal is raising some concerns among businesses. Julie Coquard of Wollersheim Winery says the change denies parents a chance to teach their kids about responsible drinking. She says parents take tours of her business often want to share samples with their kids, which the bill would make illegal.
The legislation is being considered by the Senate Committee on Children and Families.