Minutes after discussing health care with the president, a Wisconsin congressman say he feels good about reform.
US Representative Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) and other Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee meet with President Barack Obama for an hour and a half at the White House discussing serious health care reform.
"Clearly the status quo is unacceptable. Rising costs are the bane of all of us, from public budgets to businesses to families alike."
The La Crosse Democrat says we need to reward what works, not what doesn't. The goal is for a value-based healthcare system rather than one that seeks more volume and wasteful spending.
If done correctly, Kind believes tens of billions of dollars could be saved every year, and Kind dismisses theories of a government monopoly.
"Listen, if you like what you've got right now you can keep it, but we've got to figure out a way to raise in these rising costs."
Kind cites SeniorCare as a classic example the nation can use as a model.
"It's a government run program with bipartisan support in Wisconsin, but with some competition in the marketplace too, to keep costs in check."
Congress will try to get something done for the president to sign by the early fall.