A Congressman from Wisconsin is back on US soil after having spent several days in Pakistan as part of a small congressional delegation.
United States Representative Ron Kind returns home armed with information about counter-terrorism efforts after meeting with military and civilian officials in Pakistan.
“Most people would probably be surprised to learn that the true key to peace and stability throughout that region probably lies in the success or failure of Pakistan more than Afghanistan today.”
The Democrat from La Crosse reminds us that Pakistan is in the midst of a civil war, fighting Muslem terrorist groups within their own borders. Kind emphasizes the important role Pakistan plays in fighting global terrorism.
“Pakistan is doing more to confront and capture and kill terrorists than any other nation in the world. And they’re also the nation that is suffering from more terrorist attacks today than any other nation by far.”
While President Barack Obama considers the US strategy in Afghanistan, Kind says he’ll share is experience of Pakistan with our Commander-in-Chief. Kind believes the true key to peace and stability in the Middle East lies in the success or failure of Pakistan more so than Afghanistan.