The legislature may revisit the issue of bullying next session.
Elkhorn Republican, Sen. Neal Kedzie, authored legislation (SB-310) that would have led to development of a model school policy on bullying, and an education and awareness program. Kedzie says that would provide some uniformity to districts around the state when confronted with incidents of bullying. “Most districts across the state don't have any sort of policy in place,” says Kedzie. The lawmaker says the tragedy at Weston school and arrests at Green Bay East High School highlight the need for some type of statewide policy. Students who've been bullied and harassed “tend to become bullies themselves,” he notes.
Kedzie's bill would have allowed those districts that already have anti-bullying programs in place to apply with DPI to retain them. It passed the Senate on a voice vote but failed to advance in the Assembly. Kedzie hopes to reintroduce the measure next year.
Related web sites:
SB 310 (pdf)