A state lawmaker wants to give the governor more guidance in picking student members of the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
Currently, the governor can select any UW student to fill two slots on the Board of Regents, each of which serves a two year term. State Senator Fred Risser (D-Madison) is backing a bill that would require the governor to pick from a list of nominees selected by student governments on each campus. Risser says the change would “make sure that the student representative is going to be a representative of the student community.”
AUDIO: Sen. Fred Risser (:23)
Dylan Jambrek with the United Council of UW Students says the change would give those attending classes and paying tuition a greater voice in picking their representation. He says it would be “a process, that ensures that going forward we find good, thoughtful, involved and critical students to be our student regents.”
A state Senate committee is considering the bill.