Legislation at the Capitol would require a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Wisconsin.

The proposal requires the state to reduce CO2 emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020. State Senator Mark Miller (D-Monona) says Wisconsin needs to act now because federal officials are ignoring a growing problem. Miller says it's an international issue, but the US is the only industrialized country not taking action to address it.

State Representative Spencer Black (D-Madison) says we can't afford to wait and see if global warming is a real threat. Black says we have an obligation to act before the environment and our economy suffer severe damage.

The proposal is facing some skeptics though. State Representative Jim Ott (R-Mequon) questions what impact Wisconsin can have on a global problem. Ott says it's just "feel good" legislation, because reducing Wisconsin's greenhouse gases to zero would still have little impact on a global scale. He worries the bill would actually hurt the state more by raising utility rates and driving businesses elsewhere.

The proposal is currently being considered by a legislative committee. 

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:07)

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