In a surprise move, Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton on Monday dropped out of the race for Governor, citing “personal reasons.” The Lt. Governor is not revealing what those reasons are though, saying only it was a very complex decision that she made with her family.
Lawton has said health reasons were not a factor.
The Lt. Governor made her announcement in an e-mail to supporters, but was not available publicly on Monday. That resulted in widespread rumors that an extramarital affair was a contributing factor in the decision. Lawton is strongly denying that, saying it’s “outrageous slander” and that she’s appalled.
The Green Bay talk show host who circulated the rumor has now retracted his comments. Still, Lawton says it’s these types of stories that keep good people from running for office.
AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:03)
Audio courtesy of Robin Colbert, WIBA.