Retired law enforcement officers still can’t legally carry concealed weapons in Wisconsin. State Representative Ann Hraychuck, a former Polk County Sheriff, said “it’s a crying shame” that retired officers in Wisconsin can’t legally carry concealed. “I know of an individual that was convicted of felony child abuse on a case that I investigated, and he said he was going to kill me when he gets out of prison,” Hraychuck said. “He’s now out of prison and I can no longer legally carry a concealed firearm to protect myself from him.”
Hraychuck is Assembly sponsor of bills (SB 376/SB 377) which would bring Wisconsin in line with federal law that allows retired officers to carry. “Law enforcement officers have received the necessary training to appropriately use firearms in the performance of their jobs,” she noted.
Brad Hayes is a retired federal agent living in the Milwaukee area who testified in favor of the legislation. “Not having passed legislation, from my standpoint is demoralizing, and it’s a real slap in the face,” Hayes said, adding that he knows many retired law enforcement officers who live in other states are routinely carrying concealed when they visit and vacation in Wisconsin.
Bob Hague (:60 MP3) AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60 MP3)