A liberal government watchdog group wants a judge to shut down Assembly Speaker Robin Vos’ panel to examine impeachment of Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz.

American Oversight argues that the panel ought to be subject to open meetings laws. In Dane County Court on Friday, Vos’ attorney Matt Fernholz said that’s not true.

“There is no panel that is necessarily formed or going to prepare a formal report at this point,’ Fernholz said. “It is merely Speaker Vos speaking to individuals.”

“It just boggles my mind that all of this could be done in secret to the point where we don’t even know who is advising the speaker on these issues,” American Oversight attorney Christa Westerberg told Dane County Judge Frank Remington

Remington said public statements from Vos seem to contradict the argument that a panel does not actually exist. The case is currently in the hands of the Dane County district attorney, and both sides will be back in court in two weeks for an update.


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