A Marinette County man will spend the rest of his life in prison for murder. Richard B. Heyer of the Crivitz area was sentenced Thursday for shooting and killing his former girlfriend Ann Schueller at a Wausaukee gas station last August. The 56-year-old Heyer and his attorney were asking for the possibility of parole after 20 years incarceration. But Marinette County District Attorney Allen Brey said Heyer’s life without parole sentence is suitable.

“I don’t want this guy ever getting out and getting in another relationship with another woman and then maybe killing her,” Brey said. “I have no reason to believe he wouldn’t after what he did here. I know, in speaking with some of his prior partners, they were worried that somehow he’d get off and come back and kill them. So they can sleep a little safer now too.”

Heyer was sentenced just days shy of the August 26th one-year anniversary of Ann Shueller’s murder.

Ken Conners, WGAN 

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