You signed up for the Medicare Part D prescription drug program. But after paying out 22-hundred dollars, you find yourself in the gap otherwise known as the donut hole.

Medicare Part D is complicated enough but if you didn't know about it there's a chance you found yourself paying 100 per cent for your prescription drugs.

Art Taggart and the Epilepsy Foundation are part of a community network set up to help people through the maze. If you didn't get supplemental coverage for the gap you can still get help. Taggart says some people may be eligible for a low income subsidy program. Others may still be able to sign up for the state's Senior Care program. Once you've paid 36-hundred dollars for your drugs, Medicare kicks in again with 95-per cent coverage.

You can't sign up for a new Medicare D plan until next year but Taggart says you can check with community groups within the Medicare Access network of Wisconsin or your Senior Coalition office for advice on supplemental programs.

There is some good news in all the confusion. Only 8-per cent of the state's Medicare recipients are expected to be affected by the donut hole.-
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