Kevin Kennedy (Photo: WRN)

Kevin Kennedy (Photo: WRN)

A slim turnout is expected at the polls for next Tuesday’s primary election in Wisconsin.

State Government Accountability Board director Kevin Kennedy predicts just ten percent of those eligible will cast a ballot. That amounts to about 450,000 votes being cast, out of the 4.4 million voters in the state.

Kennedy says the numbers are disappointing, but not unusual. “February is a difficult time for people in Wisconsin to get outdoors, or if you’re outdoors, you’re doing something besides voting,” he says.

While local races could drive up turnout in certain parts of the state, the only statewide contest on the ballot is a primary in the state Supreme Court race. On the ballot are incumbent Justice Rebecca Bradly, Milwaukee County Judge Joe Donald, and Appeals Court Judge JoAnne Kloppenburg facing off. The top two from next Tuesday’s election will go on to face each other in an April 5 general election, which will take place at the same time as Wisconsin’s presidential preference primary.

Contributed by WIBA

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