A town of Kaukauna man is accused of slipping his girlfriend an abortion drug, causing two miscarriages. The Outagamie County sheriff's department is recommending a series of charges against Manishkumar Patel. Sergeant Ryan Carpenter says the woman contacted authorities November First, after suffering miscarriages in December of last year and September of this year Carpenter says a lab in California, which the woman contacted after the second miscarriage, detected the presence of R-U 486.

Investigators are trying to find out how Patel gave her the pills. Sergeant Gary Shortess says they believe he got the drug through the mail, from outside the country. It is a controlled substance in the U.S. Carpenter says that made things tough on investigators, but they eventually found a F-D-A lab in Cincinnati that could run the tests and verify the woman's complaints.

Patel and the woman do have a three-year-old child together, and Patel is married to another woman. Police have not been in contact with her. Carpenter says the miscarriages happened in December of last year and September of this year.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (1:20 MP3)

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