A Fond du Lac County judge says he agrees with the author of a pre-sentence investigation that a vicious dog attack on a teen at a Campbellsport farm was inhumane. On Thursday Judge Gary Sharpe sentenced 59-year-old Richard Lisko to six years in prison and six years of extended supervision on 1st degree reckless injury and false imprisonment charges.
District Attorney Eric Toney says the victim asked the judge to sentence Lisko to even more time. “He was requesting the maximum sentence based on the trauma and the nature of the events and the judge, numerous times, used the word ‘torture’ to describe what had occurred.”
Lisko believed 18-year-old Joel Kennedy, Jr. stole pills from him last August when he had the pit bull attack the teen. Judge Sharpe said Lisko took the law into his own hands, choosing to convict and punish.
The victim’s statement was read during the sentencing. DA Eric Toney would have liked more time for the criminal. “We disagreed, to a degree, with the judge on the length of the sentence,” but Toney says they are “happy to see the case finally resolved and hope that everyone involved can begin to heal.”
Lisko’s family members told the judge he was not the monster he had been portrayed to be and that prescription medication played a role in the incident.
Bob Nelson, KFIZ