A man accused of assaulting two Marathon County Jail officers has asked for a second opinion about his mental ability to stand trial.

Circuit Judge Michael Moran was scheduled to decide Thursday whether to rule 21-year-old Fredrick Morris competent, and get his case going again. A request for another opinion delayed the decision though. Online court records did not list a hearing date when the new findings would be reviewed.

Morris has pleaded innocent-by-insanity to three felony charges of battery by a prisoner and aggravated battery. Prosecutors say Morris refused to return to his cell on March 27th, and then assaulted correctional officers Julie Christensen and Denney Woodward. Christensen broke her skull and is still recovering.

Morris is being held in neighboring Lincoln County under a $250,000 bond. His mother has said that he has bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and might not have been taking his medications when the attacks occurred.


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