Mike McCarthy

Mike McCarthy

The first question from reporters at Mike McCarthy’s season ending press conference had to do with Special Teams Coordinator Shawn Slocum and his future with the team.

The Green Bay Packers loss to the Seattle Seahawks in the NFC Championship game had to do with the performance on special teams as anything else.

In a story this week in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Seahawks targeted Brad Jones on the fake field goal that resulted in a touchdown.  The Packers weren’t prepared for the fake.

Then, with just over two-minutes to play, Brandon Bostick attempted to catch the onside kick instead of blocking and the ball bounced off of him and was recovered by the Seahawks.

AUDIO: Mike McCarthy said it’s time to evaluate :09

AUDIO: Mike McCarthy said any changes won’t come for another week or so :17

The Packers’ special teams units ranked 32nd and last in the Dallas Morning News’ annual rankings and many feel Slocum will have a difficult time hanging on to his job.

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