It's time to sort through all those Medicare Part D programs again.

 The window to sign up for the Medicare Part D prescription drug program is November 15th through December 31. If you like the program you're on now, don't do anything. You will be automatically signed up for it next year.

 Kim Wadas handles Part D legal affairs for the Wisconsin Coalition of Aging Groups. She says if you are newly eligible or want to change your plan there are lot's of choices. If you want just prescription drug coverage, there are fifty-four programs to choose from. There are even more if you want additional coverage.

And what if you're in Wisconsin's SeniorCare which could expire next June? Wadas says if you like it and it's working for you go ahead and sign up again. If it does expire you will be given a chance to sign up for another Medicare Part D program without penalty.

Either way, Wadas feels there shouldn't be as much confusion over Medicare Part D this year.


AUDIO: Jim Dick reports ( 1:04 MP3 )

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