Jessica Anne Strom cropped_jpg_475x310_q85A Merrill woman is in custody, accused of trying to hire someone to kill her attorney fiance. Jessica Anne Strom was in Marathon County court Monday. Prosecutors say they have audio and video evidence proving the 33-year-old mother of three attempted to hire a former classmate and licensed pilot to walk into the intended victim’s Merrill law office, “blow his brains out,” and then fly the body to Door County.

The former classmate was allegedly offered sex and $1,000 for his services. The man met with Strom Thursday in a Wausau restaurant, and informed law enforcement of the details.

A special prosecutor is likely to be appointed to handle the case, and Judge Michael Moran has recused himself as well. Strom is being held on a $250,000 cash bond awaiting her March 12th preliminary hearing before Judge Jill Falstad. Her two sons and daughter are with other family members.


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