

The University of Wisconsin-Stout has a new chancellor and he is no stranger to the campus. Robert M. Meyer, president of Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College in Shell Lake, has been named by the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents to replace Chancellor Charles Sorenson, who will retire in August. Meyer says he plans a fast start as chancellor, drawing on his experiences and relationships developed as a UW Stout graduate, past faculty member, and leader.

The university says Meyer spent 25 years at UW Stout in various professional roles, including assistant to the chancellor for state and federal regulations, dean of the College of Technology, Engineering and Management, associate dean of outreach, and director of the Stout Technology Transfer Institute.

Meyer holds a Ph.D in industrial engineering from the University of Minnesota, as well as a Master’s in management technology and a B.S. in industrial education from UW Stout. Meyer will earn $230,000 as chancellor at Stout.


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