An officer was responding to a disturbance call in a park near Milwaukee City Hall when a man ended up dead. Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn says the officer intended on helping the individual when a struggle ensued. The officer withdrew his baton, reportedly, to defend himself from that person, at which time the subject grabbed the stick from the cop.

“The subject began to beat the officer with the wooden baton, striking him in the head. The officer withdrew his side arm, fired several shots at the individual, striking him numerous times and ultimately causing his death.”

Flynn says after the shooting, back-up officers arrived and began CPR, but it was unsuccessful. The suspect had died by the time the fire department arrived. The officer is being treated at Froedert hospital.

AUDIO: Chief Flynn 1:00

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was in City Hall when he heard the gunfire at Red Arrow park.

“I was on the sixth floor of City Hall. I was in a Department of City Development meeting where we have department heads talking to us. and I heard the gunshots. I heard the gunshots and remarked, ‘that sounded like gunshots.'”

Barrett says he heard the sirens immediately, and soon thereafter — within a minute or two — he received a phone call about the incident.

Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation is investigating the fatal shooting, under a new state law Governor Walker signed just a few days ago. The law requires an outside agency investigate police-involved shooting deaths.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett welcomes the new protocol. Also, he stresses downtown Milwaukee is “very safe.” He says, “There’s no reason for concern” and “this is an isolated incident.”

AUDIO: Barrett 1:38

The officer is 38 years old and a 13-year veteran of the Milwaukee Police Department. This shooting incident is the first since Governor Scott Walker signed legislation into law just a few days ago requiring an outside agency investigate deaths of individuals who were in police custody.

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