Around a hundred Milwaukee residents, including local government officials, gathered for class on raising backyard chickens, which is currently illegal in the city.  At the Monday night gathering, a petition circulated to lobby for an ordinance allowing the birds. Hard-boiled opponents of such proposals claim the birds would be a noise disturbance.

UW-Extension Poultry Specialist Ron Kean, who spoke at class, told WRN noise from the birds is minimal.

Ron Kean (:18)


Critics also say chicken waste leads to foul odors but Kean compares it to dog waste, which if not cleaned up can pose a problem. The benefits, he says, are the birds make “interesting pets,” lay fresh eggs and will eat kitchen waste. 

Kean was in the documentary “Mad City Chickens” which depicts chicken enthusiasts in Wisconsin.

In February, Janesville rejected a backyard chicken ordinance. Madison and St. Francis allow the birds while similar measures have been struck down in Caledonia and Shorewood.

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