A new program is giving an energy boost to appliance retailers. As of January first, Wisconsinites have a chance for a rebate when buying new energy efficient appliances according to Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy. Project Manager Don Smith says of the retailers they’ve spoken to “there are a lot of customers” asking about the program.

The rebates range from $25 for a dishwasher to $200 for a furnace. More ambitious types can spring for a solar hot water heater and receive $2,000 from the government. Appliances that have some type of coolant element such as refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners will also need a proof of recycling to qualify.

The funding for the federal stimulus program should last about 6 to 12 months, according to Smith. When the rebate money begins to dry up the group will begin notifying the public about an end date.

Brian Moon reports (:70)


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