The focus of the three major candidates for governor is jobs — their ability to create them and their opponents’ inability to do so.

His Republican primary challenger in the race for governor is frustrated by Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walkers’ pledge that his election would lead to creation of a quarter-million new jobs. Former Congressman Mark Neumann says Walker’s had eight years to create jobs, but failed.

Neumann says job losses in southeastern Wisconsin are significant, and blames both men vying for governor — Walker and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

Walker, who made his job creation claim in Madison recently, also claimed 10,000 new businesses would be created in his first term as governor.

Neumann’s take on jobs?

“Being governor my top priority is bringing jobs to the state of Wisconsin. We’ve got a detailed plan laid out on how we’re going to do that. It’s starts with lower taxes.”

As a business owner, Neumann says he has a track record of creating jobs in the private sector during this recession. His home builder company has increased employment while the city and county of Milwaukee suffered job loss. Neumann says Walker’s job claim was made simply to generate press coverage.

NOTE: Neumann was at a school meeting in Milwaukee that conflicted with WMC’s business day and was unable to attend. Neumann was going through the accreditation process and he stresses, as a co-founder and co-chair of the board of the 501(c)(3), his presence was required. Tom Barrett and Scott Walker were there.

Jackie Johnson report 1:42


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