State traffic safety officials are trying to make motorists more aware of a law that's been on the books for six years but it seems like the law no one knows about.

If you come upon flashing emergency lights on the side of the road you are supposed to move to over to the left hand lane if possible.

if not possible, the DOT's  Ann Reshadi says you are supposed to slow down. The law also applies to tow trucks, utility trucks or any vehicle with flashing emergency lights,

But after six years Reshadi says first responders are telling her office people just aren't complying and in some cases deputies and emergency workers are getting hit nor nearly hit by speeding vehicles.

The DOT has launched a massive public relations campaign. DMV is printing the Move Over logo and explanation on the back of all vehicle registration envelopes. There are bumper stickers, posters and roadside signs.

Efforts are also planned to get the word into high school drivers' education classes.

It's all part of trying to make sure motorists know to move over. It's the law and worth a two hundred-forty nine-dollar fine.

AUDIO: Jim Dick reports ( :58 MP3 )

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