Deer hunters hated it, and now the Natural Resources Board has voted to suspend Earn-a-Buck. State Senator Jim Holperin chairs the Senate Natural Resources Committee, which held joint listening sessions with the Assembly Fish and Wildlife Committee in Madison and Rhinelander. The lawmakers heard from hundreds of deer hunters. "Nobody, but nobody liked Earn-a-Buck," said Holperin.

During the Madison hearing, even DNR Secretary Matt Frank conceded that Earn-a-Buck has been extremely unpopular with hunters. Holperin and state Representative Anne Hraychuck sent a letter asking the Board to pull the plug, by indefinitely suspending the use of Earn-a-Buck as a deer management tool, expect in chronic wasting disease management units.

At its Wednesday meeting, the Natural Resources Board also announced creation of a study committee to research alternative herd management methods. Holperin says the steps should help restore hunter confidence in the DNR.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60 MP3)

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