A new committee head wants to cork the leak in the transportation fund. State Representative Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon) says that money was put there for a reason, and it shouldn't be raided to cover other debts, while forcing taxpayers to cough up even more money for a better transportation system. "I think it becomes very hard to justify raising fees when you go ahead and are using the money for other than transportation purposes."
Petrowski is referring to the state DOT 's recent proposal to increase auto registration fees from 55 bucks a year to 80 , and another idea to raise the gas tax. The Republican from Marathon has been selected as the new chair of the state Transportation Committee. He says he's looking forward to working with everyone at the capital, and the DOT, to use the money appropriately. "I'm hopeful that the governor will not raid the transportation fund again."
The governor took more than a billion dollars from the state Transportation Fund over the past four years and used it to balance the state budget . Petrowski says transportation is not a partisan issue, and he hopes to work with Republicans and Democrats. "Infrustructure and building Wisconsin's economy, I think, are important to everybody regardless of what side of the aisle you sit on."
Petrowski says the money earmarked for the transportation system should not be "scarfed off" for other purposes.
NOTE: Petrowski is currently the vice chairperson of the committee.