Senior groups plan a new push for campaign finance reform. AARP and the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups want action on the issue. State Sen. Pat Krietlow (D-Chippewa Falls) says the senior groups reflect statewide opinion. "Seventy five percent of Wisconsin residents favor increased public financing of supreme court races," according to recent polling, Krietlow noted. "They're tired of having a system where special interests can dump money into campaigns, and taint the highest court in our state."
Public financing of campaigns is "a cheap fix," in the view of long time campaign finance reform advocate, Sen. Mike Ellis (R-Neenah), and Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) says campaign finance reform deserves action: "this issue has been kicking around long enough, it deserves a hearing, and deserves a vote in both houses."
AARP and CWAG are uring action on comprehensive campaign finance reform contained in Senate Bill 12, and public financing of state supreme court races in Senate Bill 171.