Wisconsin's "Safe Haven" law seems to be paying off. Terry Walsh, executive director of the group Safe Place for Newborns, explains that the state's Safe Haven law was signed in April 2001. It allows for a parent to confidentially leave a newborn up to three days old with any hospital, police or fire station in the state, without fear of prosecution. "Safe Place for Newborn has been able to track that over 30 babies have been saved, because the law is in place," said Walsh, adding that all those children are now in adoptive homes.

In addition, Walsh said since the law went into effect, incidents of newborn abandonment have been declining. "We now roughly that this law has been used about four or five times in Wisconsin this year. But the good news is that we have not had any abandoned babies in over a year."


Walsh said it's extremely important that people know about the law. Communities, service clubs and even individuals can contact her organization for promotional materials.


AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60 MP3)

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