Today (Monday) is the last day to opt out of pesky telemarketing calls.

You have until midnight to sign up for the next no-call list for telemarkers, which goes into effect on New Year’s Day.

“It’s probably one of the most popular laws in Wisconsin, just because so many of us remember the days when we’d get call … after call … after call from telemarketers.”

Janet Jenkins with Consumer Protection says there are currently about 2-million phone numbers on the No Call list. Some exceptions from the ban include charities and political calls. Jenkins says many folks want to know why they have to sign up every two years.

It’s because they need to keep the list fresh, up-to-date, and legal.

Jenkins advises consumers to sign up on their birthday every year so as not to forget. She adds, it’s OK to re-sign up at any time so you won’t be dropped from the list. If you miss this deadline, you can always sign up for the April 1st edition. Telemarketing violators are subject to a $100 fine per call.

To place your number on the list, simply go online to or dial 1-866-9No-Call, 24 hours a day. Frequently Asked Questions.

Jackie Johnson (1:30)


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