More than two weeks after construction was approved by the Janesville City Council , a bike tunnel under a city street is still generating controversy. Council President Amy Loasching says she hasn't heard any positive feedback from citizens about the tunnel. "I just don't think this is a wise investment," says Loaching of the tunnel, which has a total price tag of $670,000. "We can't protect them all the time. I think there's a much more reasonable way to approach this, and I don't think the tunnel is at all needed." Loasching says irate residents have be contacting her with complaints. "I tell them that I agree with them, that this was a bad decision. I encourage them to contact the four council members who voted for this, and try to get at least one of them to change their position."

Council member Tom McDonald made the motion for the tunnel's approval, and says it's good that not everyone on the council agrees about the project. "The community is divided on this issue, and the council is divided on this issue," says McDonald, who believes Loasching is taking the right approach. "If people are not in favor of this, they should probably contact those of us who voted it favor of it, and let us know that." McDonald says he's heard mostly positive feedback from citizens, and most objections appear centered on the price. He says the city needs $275,000 in additional funding for the project.

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