Menasha police are investigating a possible sexting case involving several high school students.
Officials say about a dozen students, between the ages of 14 and 16, either sent or received nude or semi-nude pictures of other students. Some of those images were also uploaded to an online account, with the password circulated among students.
Menasha school district superintendent Chris VanderHeyden says teachers warn students about the dangers of sending inappropriate pictures, but many still don’t realize the risk. He says they try to make them understand that “once they send something like that out, there’s really no way to get it back and no way to control where it goes.”
Police first learned about the situation last Tuesday, and have been conducting interviews and searching electronic devices since then. Officials say most of the students involved are from Menasha high school, although some from other districts may be involved. The investigation is ongoing.
Rick Schuh, WHBY