A major critic of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld welcomes his resignation. Congressman Dave Obey (D-WI) says Rumsfeld's departure is long overdue. Obey was the first member of Congress to call for Rumsfeld's resignation two years ago, arguing that a change in Iraq policy couldn't happen as long as he was in that position.

The Wisconsin Democrat says the announcement could mark a change in US policy in Iraq, but only if President Bush uses it to re-examine the war. Obey says it won't do much good to just change salesman for the same old product.

While the US House has no say in approving Rumsfeld's replacement, Obey is hopeful the President will listen to what others have to say on the issues. The President has nominated former CIA Director Bob Gates to replace Rumsfeld.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:01)

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