As cooler temperatures approach, now is a good time to think about saving energy, and money!
There are dozens of places to learn about resources available to us, according to Gena Cooper with the Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence. Cooper says since the new millennium, over 390-thousand homeowners and businesses have participated in Focus on Energy — an energy efficiency and renewable resource program.
Cooper says there are several good reasons to be energy efficient; stave off global warming, save money, get energy independence and feel a sense of accomplishment. Anybody can do this, she says, you just need to pay attention to how you use your energy. And easy thing to do is to exchange all your current incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.
Cooper says a great place to get started is by visiting the Focus on Energy website and do an online energy audit to find out if there are hidden places where you are losing energy, like old windows or a lack of good insulation. The state of Wisconsin is leading by example, updating over 30 state-owned buildings. Incandescent lights in the state capitol have been changed to compact fluorescents, and the state fleet aims to use more biofuels. October is Energy Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
Cooper says you can contact a Focus on Energy representative through the website or your local utility to learn more about getting an energy audit or more information.