One county sheriff's answer to jail overcrowding is let some people go.
Sheriff Dan Trawicki of Waukesha County says he has no choice. After the first of the year he will start releasing 50-60 work-release inmates from the county's Huber Center, putting them on electronic monitoring devices.
That's because the county's main jail, open for less than a year but built with the hope of meeting inmate population needs until 2015, is already "darn near full", as he puts it. Sheriff Trawicki says he needs to move deputies from the Huber center to the main jail for the safety of his staff and the inmates.
Trawicki says he doesn't think that's the best solution but it's the only one since the county board failed to approve his budget request for extra staff.
Sheriff Trawicki says his county will have to come up with a plan to deal with increased overcrowding by either building more jails or ship inmates out to other places. But other counties are already complaining about the size of their own inmate populations.