It may not be that surprising, but a new statewide poll shows that Brett Favre's image has been tarnished.
The poll conducted by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute shows Favre's "favorable" rating has plummeted from 73-percent last December to 47-percent now. President Jim Miller says that's a stunning turn around for the man who was once the most popular figure in the state.
Miller says it may have something to do with the perception Favre wanted to play for the Vikings or Bears to "stick it to the Packers." His flip-flopping on retirement may also be a major factor in his slipping support.
The new poll also found 60-percent supported the Green Bay Packers' management in the feud with Favre, who retired in the spring then decided to return this season. Only 16-percent sided with the former QB.
The polling was done Sunday and Monday nights.