It's primary election day in Wisconsin. Five candidates for state Superintendent of Public Instruction are the only statewide race on the ballot for today's Spring primary elections in Wisconsin. “Usually you get a higher turnout when people realize that the outcome has a significant impact,” says Government Accountability Board Director Kevin Kennedy. “Oftentimes, in these primary elections, people don't pay enough attention to the fact that they're narrowing the field for April.”

The five candidates for DPI Superintendent are Rose Fernandez , Todd Price , Van Mobley , Lowell E. Holtz and Tony Evers . Incumbent Elizabeth Burmaster is not seeking reelection. Kennedy says it's tough to estimate turnout for today. Advertising really didn't start hitting 'til this past weekend for this race,” he says. “We'd lik to see a ten percent turnout.” There are also numerous local races around the state, as well as nine primaries for circuit court judges.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:50 MP3)

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