A Weston couple charged in their diabetic daughter's reckless homicide is ordered to stand trial.
A judge ruled that the criminal complaint is clear in accusing the couple of refusing to get medical help for their critically ill daughter, and rejected their motion to dismiss the charges. That was despite arguments from Dale and Leilani Neumann's defense attorney, who said their decision to choose prayer is legally protected.
The Neumanns then waived their right to a preliminary hearing and were immediately bound over for trial. The couple also withdrew their motion to get back some of the property police have seized, after investigators agreed to return the originals or copies of it.
The pair were charged after the death of their 11-year-old daughter Madeline on Easter Sunday, who was suffering from undiagnosed diabetes. Prosecutors say the parents chose to pray over their daughter, rather than seek medical attention. Court records indicate the girl likely showed symptoms of the illness for several weeks before her death.
The next step is for the two to enter a plea. Their arraignment date will be set later this month.