Governor Scott Walker’s decision to reject a Kenosha casino continues to evoke reaction. While Walker cited provisions in the gaming compact with the Potawatomi, and potential cost to state taxpayers. Congressman Paul Ryan believes some kind of deal was possible for a win-win.
“I thought you could have a way in which the state could have been protected from any tax revenue loss, and the casino in Milwaukee could have had some kind of protection against any legitimately perceived loss to their business,” said Ryan, whose 1st District includes Kenosha.
The Janesville Republican said his support was well-known to the Governor. “I think with a realignment of the compacts, you could have fixed that (potential revenue loss to the state), Ryan told WRJN. “Then the question is what kind of damage does a casino south of the Milwaukee casino do to the Milwaukee casino. Come up with a legitimate measure from a third-party, and put that into the contract as well.”