Wisconsin’s PEG channels say changes are needed in the cable industry to keep them alive.

Legislation passed two years ago changed how cable companies are required to support Public, Education, and Government channels. Wisconsin Association of PEG Channels director Mary Cardona says it’s making it harder for them to stay on the air by ending support for many stations.

A proposed bill at the Capitol would restore some protections for PEG channels. It would allow a local PEG fee, requires providers to pay for transmission equipment at stations, and also would make sure public channels are available to all cable customers.

Cardona says cable providers argue there’s little interest in PEG channels from the public, but she claims that’s changing. She says local support has been growing as more commercial media steers away from covering local issues.

Cable industry officials say the proposal would make it harder for them to remain competitive.

Andrew Beckett reports (1:07)


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