The mayor of Kenosha wants Congress to approve loans for Detroit. Mayor Keith Bosman says the Chrysler engine plant in his city has continued to employ some 800 to 1,000 people, since the company stopped making vehicles there, twenty years ago. Outside of government, it's the city's biggest employer, which is why Bosman and other mayors from around the nation are in Washington, making their case for a Big Three bailout. “I feel confident that the piece of legislation will go through,” said Bosman. “There's still work to be done, I don't think it's a slam dunk.”

With many in Congress still hesitant, Bosman says the Mayors Automotive Coalition   (html) wants to be proactive. “Get in the face, if you will, of the people who are going to be making the decisions here,” he said. “The fallout will occur in the cities where people actually go to the plant every day to work. Those are the people who are going to be paying the penalty . . . if auto making does become a thing of the past.” Mayors of 25 cities with Chrysler, Ford and GM plants are in Washington, lobbying for the bailout package.

Bob Hague reports (5:00 MP3)
Press release: Mayors Automotice Coalition (html)

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