A Wisconsin Congressman predicts a shift in the political climate around the nation’s capitol.

U.S. Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) says the differences between Republicans and Democrats right now go well beyond the policies being debated in Washington. He says the ideology behind many of the key issues in D.C. is an argument over whether the nation should be controlled by a collectivist, big central-government system.

The Wisconsin Republican says the impact of those differences is starting to be felt, and opposition is growing. Ryan believes a backlash is underfoot, and most Americans don’t want the types of changes that are being pushed by Democrats right now on issues such as health care.

Ryan says the government just needs to get out of the way. He says people need access to opportunity, but we don’t need a society where they are dependent on the government for their well being.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (:54)


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