Has a drug given to cows become a form of "morning after" pill for pregnant teens in Green County? That's the allegation from Anna Anderson, director at Care Net Pregnancy Center in Monroe. Anderson claims teens are using the drug to abort their fetuses.
State health officials say they're investigating rumors, but Anderson says this is no rumor. "It's fact," says Anderson. "It's very upsetting, because these girls don't realize who much they're endangering their own safety." Anderson says the practice can be deadly, as the teen others risk hemorrhaging to death. "How far along they are in the pregnancy will determine how much hemorrhaging will result with the child is aborted with this drug," says Anderson, who says she's heard of as many as 10 girls using the drug as to induce abortions since last summer.
"I don't know how the first peson came to know about it," Anderson says, although her theory is that a farm hand gave a dose to his pregnant girlfriend and it the practice spread from there through word of mouth.