Proposed legislation from state Representative Rob Hutton (R-Brookfield), would eliminate the state’s prevailing wage law. “With tight municipal budgets, the elimination of prevailing wage will provide local
governments with a critical tool to reduce costs associated with capital budgets,” a statement from Hutton said.

Dane County Executive Joe Parisi argues prevailing wage helps to insure that quality work is done on public projects. “It’s no time to cut corners. At the end of the day, you get what you pay for,” Parisi said. “We need to ensure that we have quality workers doing that work, like we do now. And the prevailing wage law is one of the ways we’re able to maintain that quality of work.”

Hutton said eliminating the state’s prevailing wage law would provide local governments with a critical tool to reduce costs which are picked up by taxpayers. Parisi said the law makes sure that everyone is being paid a fair wage. “Because what this (repeal) will do is create opportunities for a company to come in and lowball in the bidding process. It will create a race to the bottem in wages.”

Eighteen state currently have no prevailing wage laws, according to Hutton.

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