If you ever looked for a job through Monster-dot-com or usajobs-dot-com your private information may be at risk.

Some one hacked into the Monster-dot-com computers stealing names, addresses and email addresses of one-point-three million people.

Janet Jenkins at the Wisconsin Office of Privacy Protection says registered job seekers in the state are now being sent damaging emails asking for private information but also telling you to down load something called “Monster Job Seeker”.

Jenkins says don't do it. That download can be very damaging to your computer. Jenkins advises users not to respond to Monster-dot-com emails. Instead, go to the Monster-dot-com web site directly through your computer not the questionable email. Jenkins says you can also email [email protected] to see if it is legitimate.

Jenkins says no one knows if the hackers just want to distribute damaging software or if they plan on using the hacked information now or much later to steal identities.

Any ID theft complaints should be reported to the Office of Privacy Protection at 1-800-422-7128.

AUDIO: Jim Dick reports ( 1:16 MP3 )

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