It’s the time of year to think about Lyme Disease – particularly in kids. Doctor Greg Demuri, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at UW Children’s Hospital, has seen a lot of cases of Lyme Disease in kids over the years – and he recommends some simple preventative measures such as tucking pants legs into socks, and wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts. And after the kids come in from spending time outdoors, make a thorough examination. And, says Demuri, don’t shy away from using repellents containing DEET. “I’ve seen quite a few cases of Lyme Disease, and some very significant complications of them, including children who have been in an ICU, but I’ve not once in 15 years in Wisconsin seen a case of DEET toxicity,” he says. “It should be used carefully, but it’s generally very safe.” If you do find a tick on your child, a tweezers is the recommend tool for removal.

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