Holiday shoppers who go online this year should take some steps to protect their identity.

Online shopping can be a good way to save some money, but Wisconsin Better Business Bureau President Ran Hoth says you should always make sure the website you’re buying from is secure.

Indicators that a transaction is being done through a secure website include an ‘s’ after the ‘http’ in the location bar on your web browser. Also, secure sites will display a small padlock somewhere on the screen. If those features are not present, Hoth says there’s a chance someone could get their hands on your financial information.

Hoth says you should also try to use a credit card when shopping online, rather than using a bank or debit card. Using a credit card provides extra protections if your identity is stolen or if what arrives in the mail does not match what you ordered.

If you find a good deal with a retailer you don’t recognize, Hoth also urges shoppers to look on the BBB’s website or do a search for what others have to say about the company. He says a little research before a purchase can end up saving you a lot of time and money.

Andrew Beckett reports (1:05)


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