The Department of Natural Resources is asking for help from the public in estimating the size of Wisconsin’s deer herd.

Starting August First, the DNR is launching a new web tool that will allow the public to report daytime deer sightings across the state. Agency spokesman Bob Manwell says they’re looking for all live deer sightings of bucks, doe, and fawns.

Members of the public will be able to go to the agency’s website and fill out a simple form to make a report. The information will be used to help estimate the size of the deer herd.

Manwell says of particular interest is sightings of doe that have fawns with them, since those help to estimate growth in the herd over the past year.

The DNR has collected similar information from hunters before, but Manwell says this is the first time public help will be enlisted on such a large scale. He says the information will be vital in shaping future hunting seasons.

Information will be collected through the end of September.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (1:01)

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