Wisconsin kids may get better health coverage than most, but a coalition wants federal lawmakers to ensure no American children get left behind. A network including Children's Health Fund and March of Dimes is backing a nationwide effort for children's health reform.

The spearheading group NACHRI (National Association of Hospitals and Related Institutes), says Wisconsin is better off than most states with only 5.6% percent of its kids lacking some type of health insurance compared to the national average of 11.2%. NACHRI President Larry McAndrews says many Badger State kids make up for a lack of coverage with federal programs including Medicaid and S-Chip.

McAndrews says coverage in Wisconsin is still vulnerable to national problems like budget deficits and a bad economy. This makes funding a challenge but in Washington, lawmakers are apparently springing for change. He sees "more momentum" now than in previous years on the part of House and Senate Committee leaders.

The network has set up a website to interact on kids health issues and pending legislation.

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :61)

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